Date of flight: To Be Notified
Remark: Until before event started, each pilot may only sign-up max. 2 sectors on the same aircraft registration.
Terms and conditions:
1. Please book (sign up) from the early number. Example: Number 1 (E.g.: _1) must be booked before booking the subsequent number is made (E.g.: _2).
2. Schedule is in real UTC time – e.g. 0300z. (If no specific time, flight can be flown at pilot desired time. However, the flight shall begin after the previous relevant aircraft is disconnected from the network).
3. Parking stand based on the latest chart.
4. If you need to cancel the booking, please inform crew scheduling via discord (primary) or email (alternate). You can also help us finding the replacement pilot.
5. Cargo weight in kilograms (kgs).